This is a journal of observation and occasional insight. To read chronologically, click “Start at the Beginning” above. To read about the boat, choose “The Boat” from the menu on top.

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The Adriatic By E-Bike – Pt. 1

Travel to a new area opens both eyes and minds. It builds perspective and empathy. It can even build fitness. At least that was the idea behind my recent bike-and-boat trip to Croatia on the Adriatic Sea — my 3rd overseas trip involving bicycles and 2nd involving both a bike and a boat. But this…

DIY Home-Building: The Fine Work

Window trim. Lighting. Floor sealant. Shelves. While we await installation of siding and arrival of kitchen cabinets, there’s plenty of “fine work” to do. Even though we’re 1,000 miles apart right now, Jeff and I continue to partner on everything. I’m shopping/buying and he’s installing. The big leaps (laying foundation, erecting trusses, etc.) are more…

Third-Level Effects

Every choice has consequences — often several levels of them — and the challenge is to imagine those consequences in advance. This certainly applies to house-building. Less than a year ago, we began building The Cabin at Many Moons. Many choices later, it continues to come alive. The nerves (electrical system) and vital fluids (plumbing)…

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“Your written blog and pictures are confirming for all of us who are privileged to live in the UP and especially near or on Keweenaw Bay. Your writing ability is superb. Your reflections and introspection are inspiring. Your audience needs to be expanded…

Laurie Wargelin