Transition Time (Again)

Spring is a transition time for the world, and doubly so for me this year. In fact, the past nine months have been a series of transitions…from dirt to boat, then back to dirt, repeat. (“Dirt” is the word many boaters use for land; i.e., “my dirt home.”)

Unless you’ve lived long-term on a moving boat, it’s probably hard to imagine these transitions. The lifestyles are so different…from how you bathe and shop to how you make decisions and plan your day. But somehow, it works. If you want it to work, that is. Isn’t that the case with with most things? Intention and desire are so important.

Now I’m back at my home in Arlington, Va. while Jeff remains on board Many Moons at Calvert Marina in Solomons, Md. I’m immersed in taxes and preparing for Egypt while he keeps his options open. He may stay put until I get back – the marina manager has noticed his practical skills and may hire him for awhile – or he may find someone to join him to continue The Great Loop northward while I’m gone. It’s a good thing we’re both flexible, isn’t it? It sure keeps things interesting.

Speaking of flexibility. I’ve been watching documentaries about Ancient Egypt, to prepare for my upcoming trip, and something has struck me. This is Holy Week in the Christian world, and many Christians are reflecting on an afterlife and final judgment. The ancient Egyptians also believed in those things, while worshipping many gods. When Pharaoh Akhenaten tried to force a change, from worship of many gods to worship of just one (the Sun God), the people went along with the change for awhile but rejected it soon after he died. It seems he was asking for too much flexibility. Neither belief nor flexibility can be forced — but both can evolve over time. I have certainly learned increased flexibility while traveling the country on Many Moons. And I thought I was flexible already!

Photos and captions from our leisurely stop in Solomons, below. (FYI, I expect to blog from Egypt but will post those under “Reflection” on the blog menu. All posts about the journey of Many Moons are posted under “The Boat.”)

Several gray days of chilly drizzle and fog didn’t keep us indoors…
We took the bikes “to town” every day, for both exercise and provisions.
Solomons is a tourist destination in summer, but it’s also a fishing/seafood town. This fisherman makes a living digging up these razor clams, which he sells as crab bait. I think I heard that they cost $300 per bushel.
Moody skies are always interesting, but we could do without the cold!
An all-day rain led to this sunset gift….
Sunny days are so more special when they follow rain. Many Moons is at the back-center of this picture.
Many Moons changed berths and is now facing east (back-center), to take advantage of an electric meter vs. paying $5/day for power. During this move, we went to fuel up…100 gallons at $4.80/gallon.
’tis the season for tree pollen. Here’s what it looks like at the marina.
Tugboats awaiting their next job, less than a mile from our marina.
The Thomas Johnson Bridge, crossing the Patuxent River.
This ball cap in a local store made me laugh. It refers to Chesapeake Bay being “brackish” – a mixture of saltwater and fresh water. It also refers to some women I know. 😉
I love these old-style clocks. We see them in many towns.
Steve and Mell from Edith B row back to their boat at anchor. We met them a few weeks ago. How fun to bump into them here. And I love to see somebody else rowing a dinghy!
Tom and Theresa from O’Tug have complete The Loop and returned to their homeport here today. We met them in on Lake Michigan last August. The cycle continues…
This screen captures shows Chesapeake Bay, from Norfolk in the south to past Baltimore in the north. Many Moons is about halfway up the bay, at the pink dot. We cruised from Norfolk in two days. Most Loopers spend weeks exploring this bay and its many rivers and coves.

3 thoughts on “Transition Time (Again)

  1. I am retiring as Vice President at American University in Cairo and we will begin the Great Loop this summer. Enjoy Egypt. It is not only a place with fascinating history of 5,000 years but also a nation of over 100 million people seeking more prosperity and playing a big role in regional peace today Safe travels on the Nile and when you get to Lake Michigan say hello. Bruce

    Sent from my iPhone



    1. How wonderful to hear! I met many university VPs (and presidents) during my years at NSF, but never expected to “meet” one this way. 🙂. I’m quite excited about this trip because I’ve never been to the Middle East, and I love history. I’m glad that we will also meet with speakers to explain some of the current issues you mentioned. It’s hard to stop (or pause) the loop, but I have other interests too. I’m pretty sure you know what I mean! Thank you for writing.


  2. EGYPT! One of bucket list countries. I love your reflections here, your life of adventure—more than most of us can have. It’s wonderful to peek in and see how things are going for you and Jeff.


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